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The young Indian wife Malvina is in the mood to have sex even when she is busy in the kitchen. She keeps rubbing her ass by pulling her top up while working. And that’s the invitation for her hubby to come and please her. He gets in the kitchen with bottle of whipping cream for some fun.
Young Indian wife allows her hubby to eat her hungrily & fuck roughly.
Watch the video where the young Indian wife Malvina set the kitchen on fire. She keeps teasing her hubby by fondling her ass with seductive smile on her. Her husband gets the message and comes in the kitchen with bottle of whipping cream. He loves licking her body with cream all over. Malvina enjoys his touches as he slurps over her tender shaved pussy. Every time he bends and slides his tongue over her creamy pussy, Malvina jumps with delight on her toes spreading her legs wide for him.
He licks and eat her slick wet creamy pussy like an expert. Making her sit on the kitchen dais in the corner and pulling her legs apart, her hubby plays with her sticky pussy with his warm mouth. His tongue moves in and out over her clit making her moan n cry softly, Every time she tries to stop him he slurp over pussy hungrily.
Getting on her knees she works on his cock in mouth like perfect slut. And she gets banged when he enters deep in her ripe pussy, fucking her faster. He pounds on her, driving his cock with full force in her wide open pussy as she keeps crying for more and more. And watch how obediently the young Indian wife swallows all his sticky cum when he shoots his load over her face, enjoying it all, she licks the cock clean.
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